Getting startedΒΆ

First of all you have to create your hook signature. It is much like an interface definition where you only have to define the parameters and related documentation.

def grettings(greet, name):
    Called in scripts that want to print greetings.

    :param greet: unicode
    :param name: unicode

def goodbye():
    Called in scripts that want to print goodbye messages.

Now you can turn your definition into a decorator using bender-hooks. This way your decorator will work much like an interface.

import bender_hooks
import definitions
greetings = bender_hooks.make_decorator(definitions.greetings)
goodbye = bender_hooks.make_decorator(definitions.goodbye)

With decorator in hands you just have to mark the functions that will be invoked through the hook. The defined parameters are not mandatory on such functions.

import decorators

def a(greet, name):
    print("%s, %s!" % (greet, name))

def b(name):
    print("Hi, %s!" % name)

def c():
    print("Hi there!")

def d():

As all grettings functions are already marked, just ask bender-hooks to call them:

>>> import bender_hooks
>>> import hello
>>> bender_hooks.call_all_hooks(hello, 'greetings', greet='Welcome', name='John')
Welcome, John!
Hi, John!
Hi there!
>>> bender_hooks.call_all_hooks(hello, 'goodbye')

Sometimes it is necessary having just one implementation for a given hook. To make sure of this just call:

>>> bender_hooks.call_unique_hook(hello, 'greetings', greet='Welcome', name='John')
bender_hooks.HookError: <module 'hello' from 'hello.pyc'> can implement greetings at most one time
>>> bender_hooks.call_unique_hook(hello, 'goodbye')

This is the basics! For more detailed information please refer to API documentation.