This document brings the public API of bender-hooks.

exception bender_hooks.HookError[source]

Error raised for expected and known cases of bender-hooks.

bender_hooks.call(hook, **kwargs)[source]

Responsible for invoking given hook. As hooks not necessarily defines all arguments, this function will make sure that the given one will satisfy the hook. Example:

def foo(a, b):
    My decorator definition.

# Creating decorator.
dec = bender_hooks.make_decorator(foo)

# Decorating. Only one parameter defined.
def bar(b):

# Invoking.
bender_hooks.call(bar, a=1) # Invalid: ``a`` is not defined at ``bar``
bender_hooks.call(bar, b=2) # Valid
bender_hooks.call(bar, c=3) # Invalid: ``c`` is not defined at ``bar`` neither ``foo``
bender_hooks.call(bar, a=1, b=2) # Valid: ``a`` is defined at ``foo`` but will be ignored.
bender_hooks.call(bar, b=2, c=3) # Invalid
bender_hooks.call(bar, a=1, b=2, c=3) # Invalid
Parameters:hook (callable) – Already decorated function.
Returns:It depends on what will be returned by given hook.
Raises HookError:
 if given hook is not decorated.
bender_hooks.call_all_hooks(obj, hook_name, **kwargs)[source]

Responsible for search and invoke all hooks with the given hook_name under obj.

See also


See also


bender_hooks.call_unique_hook(obj, hook_name, **kwargs)[source]

Responsible for search and invoke a hook with the given hook_name under obj, making sure that only one hook exists.

Raises HookError:
 if more than one hooks are found.

See also


See also


bender_hooks.find_hooks(obj, hook_name)[source]

Responsible for search at obj hooks with the given hook_name.

  • obj – Object (can be a module or instance) to search for hooks.
  • hook_name (unicode) – Name of hook to search.
Return type:



All hooks found into the given obj.

bender_hooks.make_decorator(hook_decl, inputs=())[source]

Responsible for turning a hook declaration into a decorator.

  • hook_decl (callable) –

    The definition that will be turn into a decorator. Example:

    def grettings(greet, name):
        Called in scripts that want to print greetings.
        :param greet: unicode
        :param name: unicode

    If any code is placed inside the given definition it will be ignored.

  • inputs (tuple | list) –

    Parameters that must be given to decorator. Example:

    dec = bender_hooks.make_decorator(foo, inputs=('alpha', 'bravo'))
    @dec('A', 'B')
    def my_func():
    my_func.inputs['alpha'] == 'A'
    my_func.inputs['bravo'] == 'B'
Return type:



The created decorator.

Raises HookError:

when given arguments are not valid.